If you need to cancel a class please make sure to cancel class as soon as possible by using the booking system (Momence) you used to book the class. This allows us to give your space to someone who is on the waitlist for the class. We cannot accept cancellations via email/social media.
If you cancel 48 hours before the class you will receive a refund and your class credit will automatically be added back to your account for you to reschedule and use towards another class.
If you need to cancel your class within the 48 hours before the class you will not receive a refund or your class credit back into your account.
There are no exceptions to this rule, so please do not contact to reschedule to a new class, as this will not be possible if you're cancelling within the 48 hour period prior to your class.
We do not offer refunds or transfers for unused/expired class credits. Please understand that it is your responsibility to book and attend your classes before they expire. We have a strict policy and do not offer refunds or expiry extensions for unused or expired class credits once purchased. We specifically save a space for you in the class you booked in for and it is your responsibility to attend your classes.